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Thursday, May 30, 2013

What Does The Average Household Spend On Energy Costs According To The California Energy Commission?

According to the California Energy Commission, the average household spends $1,900 a year on energy costs. Here are a few helpful tips to lower your utility bills all while conserving energy: 
  • Avoid using your stove and oven as much as possible. Cooking with your microwave uses two-thirds less energy than your stove and won't heat up your kitchen in the process. 
  • Today's dish-washing machines are far more efficient then older models and thus use less water than washing dishes by hand. Letting dishes air dry will cut energy costs even further. 
  • Keeping your fridge packed with food actually helps your fridge to work less hard to stay cool. 
  • Set your air conditioner to 78 degrees when you're home and 85 degrees or higher when you're away. Be sure to use room fans and drink plenty of water! 
  • Washing laundry in cold water can save as much as 4% on your bill. 
  • Hang drying clothes can save as much as 5% on your bill. 
  • Setting your pool's vacuum to only operate four to five hours at a time during off peak hours can save you 1-2% per hour of reduction. 
  • When you're not using them, turn off your appliances, lights, and anything else that can be turned off. This can save you 2% in energy costs. 
  • By unplugging electronic devices when they're not in use you can save 1-2% on your utility bill. 
  • Have an extra fridge in the garage? You can save as much as $150 per year just by unplugging it. 
Looking to upgrade old plumbing fixtures and appliances with newer, more cost efficient models? Contact Los Angeles area JO-MI Plumbing at 310-473-8111.  

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